Voice Activation



Sacred, somatic & revolutionary voice school



Brooke Wolfe

Brooke is a musician of 18 years & Founder of the Voice Activation Academy. Brooke is also a Trained Somatic Practitioner, Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher & Reiki Master Teacher. Brooke holds a decade of experience working in intensive mental health & addiction treatment facilities, international retreats, and her online programs. Brookeā€™s mission is to open your heart to the creative intelligence within that heals & expresses by design.

Hear what the commUNITY is saying! 

Sandy - Founder of Getting Magnetic

"Working with Brooke is legit therapy. When I started a year ago I cried even humming in front of her. I was so shy and insecure to share my voice. Now, I just wrote a song and recorded it! This is a HUGE milestone for me. The whole process has been super emotional that helped unravel really deep parts of me and now I am ready to share with the world."

Adrian - Activator

"5 months ago, I didn't know I could sing... or that everyone could sing. I didn't know my voice could transform as my body became safer, more in tune with its needs, or that all the shadow work I've done would translate to harmony on a sound level. It was a year ago I called Brooke and said that I was afraid to sing... to hear myself. Brooke, you have been such a safe place for my self expression. My sound. My songs. Singing is a birth rite. Discovering my voice and playing with instruments was something I never knew was possible for me until now!"

Lauren - Founder of CHAKTI Yoga

"Brooke’s knowledge, experience, and guidance has reached places within me that I have never accessed in this life. I lived all my life thinking I can’t sing. My voice is healing my nervous system and I now feel joy and non-judgment expressing my own unique frequency. Finding Brooke was divine and in one session I knew this was way more than I perceived. Brooke, your gifts have taught me about my own. Forever grateful for this activation."

Desiree - Kambo Practitioner

"Working with Brooke was an incredible journey. I came to her with the intention to open my voice and release limiting beliefs around singing and expression, but received so much more. Every session was transformative and soul healing. Brooke is an absolute angel and amazing at what she does. She taught me about vocal toning, vocal activation, breathwork, rhythm, songwriting and helped me become more comfortable with singing and playing guitar at the same time. I am now able to sing with confidence during plant medicine ceremonies and express my voice and medicine to the world."

Cora - Breathwork Facilitator

"Brooke is deep, informative, fun, & transformative! She creates such a lovely container for you to explore your voice and any blocks around there with compassion. She helps show you how to evolve into a place where you can feel free to play with the voice and the throat and drop insecurities or fears or conditioning around being silent. And somehow we do all of this but it isn't heavy - it doesn't feel like deep hard shadow work and big breakthroughs, it’s more just all of the sudden you aren't scared to use your voice and it feels safe and fun to explore and sing in front of her."

Megan - Mindfulness Coach

"Working with Brooke has been amazing, inspiring and transformational! She has helped me so much during this phase in my life and I don’t know what I would of done without her. She knew exactly what I needed. I love her vocal activation and guitar lessons. Exactly what I was looking for, plus Reiki - it’s like a dream. Brooke is a beautiful human inside and out!"

Nikki - Holistic Personal Trainer

"Brooke is insightful, connected, open, and intentional. She holds wonderful space. She never crowds you, allows you to come as you are and feel whatever needs to be felt. She is there but allows you to have your own experience and realizations. Brooke is doing exactly what she’s meant to be doing and she’s so good at it. Thank you, thank you!"

Macy - Singer & Reiki Master Teacher

"I've had the privilege of working with Brooke for vocal activations, reiki, and more! Brooke is a heart-centered leader with incredible wisdom. She knows how to meet you where you are and awaken your full potential. She activates her clients through a mix of knowledge and intuition. I highly recommend Brooke's services to anyone who is ready to take the journey inward to meet their divinity. I am proud to call Brooke a mentor and friend."

Whitney - Singer & Kundalini Yoga Teacher

"Activating my throat chakra through learning guitar and singing has been one of the most healing things I could do for myself. I’ve lived a long life afraid to speak and be seen. Working with Brooke is opening a whole new world for me. So much is unfolding."

Liv - Vocal Activator

"Brooke is an engaging and nurturing guide. She provides a warm and safe environment while sharing the insight she's gained throughout her journey. The manner in which she imparts her knowledge gives you a sense that vocal activation is within reach for us all. What was most helpful was her well articulated insight. She expresses her teachings clearly and can assist in helping to activate your voice by watching and listening to you and giving you clear guidance. I truly appreciate your offering, Brooke. It has inspired me to share the medicine that lies within my voice. What a gift...deep gratitude & blessings to you."

Kyra - Professional Writer

"In our sessions Brooke created a safe container for me to explore my relationship to my voice on an emotional, spiritual, mental and physical level through various practices. Her divine nature and gentle presence, her ability to hold space, her applied knowledge and practical guidance and her intuitive approach to navigating each session allowed me to open up to my voice on a multidimensional level and start building a new relationship to both my inner and outer vocal expression. I didn’t know what to expect or even what I had hoped would come out of our sessions when I decided to consult Brooke. Now I can say that our sessions facilitated the beginning of my journey to reclaim my voice and truly own it."